to Indonesian

NO. KEP-81/BC/1999





that, in the framework of implementation of Law No. 10/1995 on Customs Affairs, it is deemed necessary to regulate provisions on determination of custom value of imported goods.

In view of:


To stipulate :



Article 1

In this Decision, meant by:


First Part
Method and Sequence of Use

Article 2

(1) In principle customs value is transaction value of the relevant imported goods and such a transaction value complies with certain requirements.

(2) Customs value for calculation of import duty is determined by using of the six determination methods, namely as follows:

(3) The six customs value determination methods as contemplated in paragraph (2) shall be used pursuant to their hierarchical order.

Second Part
Method I
Customs Value is Transaction Value

Paragraph 1
Transaction Value

Article 3

(1) Transaction value as meant in Article 2 paragraph (1) is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to the seller for goods sold for export to the Customs Region plus certain costs as long such costs are not included yet in the price actually paid or payable.

(2) The transaction value as contemplated in paragraph (1) can be accepted and stipulated as a customs value if complies with requirements as meant in Article 6.

Paragraph 2
Price Actually Paid or Payable

Article 4

(1) Price actually paid or payable is total payment that is made of will be made by the buyer to or for the interest of the seller for the goods imported.

(2) Price actually paid or payable shall exclude:

(3) Price actually paid or payable as contemplated in paragraph (1) may include discount element.

Paragraph 3
Costs that are Added to the Price Actually Paid or Payable

Article 5

(1) In order to obtain transaction value, price actually paid or payable are added with certain costs, namely:

(2) Costs that are added to the price actually paid or payable as contemplated in paragraph (1) must be based on objective and measurable data.

Paragraph 4
Requirements of Transaction Value To Be Acceptable and Stipulated as Customs Value

Article 6

Transaction value can be accepted and stipulated as a customs value as long as fulfilling requirements, as follows:

Paragraph 5
Limitations of Use of Method I

Article 7

Method I shall not be used to determine the customs value if:

Paragraph 6
Further Provisions on Method I

Article 8

Further provisions on:

Third Part
Method II
Customs Value Based on Transaction Value of Identical Goods

Paragraph 1
Transaction Value of Identical Goods

Article 9

(1) If the customs value can not be determined based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods, customs value is determined based on transaction value of identical goods.

(2) Transaction value of identical goods as contemplated in paragraph (1) can be used as a basis to determine customs value by using Method II as long as meeting the following requirements:

(3) If there are more than one transaction values of identical goods, then, in order to determine the customs value, the lowest transaction value of identical goods shall be used.

Paragraph 2
Adjustment of Commercial Level and Goods Quantity

Article 10

(1) Determination of customs value based on transaction value of identical goods shall maximally use identical goods originating from commercial level and quantity of goods is equal to the imported goods whose customs value is being determined.

(2) If there are no identical goods as contemplated in paragraph (1), then identical goods with other conditions shall be used as long as adjustments are conducted to:

(3) Adjustment as contemplated in paragraph (2) shall be conducted based on real evidence that allows implementation of adjustment reasonably and properly.

(4) If there is no real evidence as contemplated in paragraph (3), then adjustment can not be conducted and transaction value of identical goods cannot be used to determine the customs value.

(5) Example of adjustment of commercial level and/or goods quantity as contemplated in paragraph (2) are detailed in Attachment III to this Decision.

Fourth Part
Method III
Customs Value Based on Transaction Value of Similar Goods

Paragraph 1
Transaction Value of Similar Goods

Article 11

(1) If the customs value can not be determined based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods or transaction value of identical goods, customs value is determined based on transaction value of similar goods.

(2) Transaction value of similar goods as contemplated in paragraph (1) can be used as a basis to determine customs value by using Method III as long as meet the following requirements:

(3) If there are more than one transaction values of similar goods, then, in order to determine customs value, the lowest transaction value of similar goods is used.

Paragraph 2
Adjustment of Commercial Level and Goods Quantity

Article 12

(1) Determination of customs value based on transaction value of similar goods shall to best possible use similar goods originating from the commercial level and quantity of goods is equal to the imported goods whose customs value is being determined.

(2) If there are no identical goods as contemplated in paragraph (1), then identical goods with other conditions shall be used as long as adjustments are conducted to:

(3) Adjustment as contemplated in paragraph (2) shall be conducted based on real evidence that allows implementation of adjustment reasonably and properly.

(4) If there is no real evidence as contemplated in paragraph (3), then adjustment can not be conducted and transaction value of identical goods cannot be used to determine the customs value.

(5) Example of adjustment of commercial level and/or goods quantity as contemplated in paragraph (2) are detailed in Attachment III to this Decision

Fifth Part
Method IV
Customs Value Based on of Deduction Method

Paragraph 1
Deduction Method

Article 13

(1) If the customs value can not be determined based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods, transaction value of identical goods or transaction value of similar goods, customs value is determined based on Deduction Method.

(2) Deduction Method is a customs value determination method based on unit price that occurs from a sale in marketplaces within the Customs Region for:

with conditions at importation, less reduction factor in the form of costs that incur after importation.

Paragraph 2
Unit Price Requirement

Article 14

(1) Unit price that is used as a basis of calculation in Deduction Method must meet the following requirements:

(2) If there is no unit price that meets requirements as referred to in paragraph (1), then, the Deduction Method can not be used to determine customs value of the relevant imported goods.

Paragraph 3
Reduction Factor

Article 15

(1) In order to calculate the customs value, unit price as meant in Article 13 is subtracted with certain costs, namely :

(2) Unit price, after deducted with costs in letters a, b, and c above becomes customs value of the relevant imported goods.

(3) Data of amount of costs as contemplated in paragraph (1) letter a and b shall be obtained from the buyer, unless the data doe not conform to common practices applicable in the Customs Region.

(4) Further provisions on selection of unit price and reduction cost are detailed in Attachment V to this Decision.

Paragraph 4
Different Condition of Goods

Article 16

(1) If there is no sale in the market places within the Customs Region of the relevant imported goods, identical goods or similar goods with goods condition the same as at the time of importation, the Deduction Method can be used based on the relevant imported goods, identical goods or similar goods that are sold in the market places within the Customs Region with different conditions, as long as adjustment is made on such condition difference.

(2) Data that is used to calculate the adjustment of condition difference as contemplated in paragraph (1) must be based on objective and measurable data.

Sixth Part
Method V
Customs Value Based on Computation Method

Paragraph 1
Computation Method

Article 17

(1) If the customs value can not be determined based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods, transaction value of identical goods, transaction value of similar goods or Deduction Method, customs value is determined based on Computation Method.

(2) Computation Method is a customs value determination method by means of summing up a number of forming elements of customs value of the relevant imported goods.

(3) Forming elements of customs value as contemplated in paragraph (2) are:

(4) Forming elements of customs value as contemplated in paragraph (2) include costs:

(5) Computation Method shall only be used in case there is inter-relationship between the seller and the buyer, and the producer or their proxy undertakes to give the customs part information on forming elements of customs value and undertakes to provide facilities for further examination is necessary.

(6) Provisions on forming elements of customs value based on the Computation Method article specified in more detail in Attachment VI to this Decision.

Seventh Part
Method VI
Customs Value Based on Procedures that is Reasonable and Consistent with the Principles and Provisions of Article VII GATT 1994 and Based on Data Available in the Customs Region with Certain Limitation

Paragraph 1
Definition of Method VI

Article 18

(1) If the customs value can not be determined based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods, transaction value of identical goods, transaction value of similar goods, Deduction Method or Computation Method, customs value is determined based on procedure that is reasonable and consistent with the principles and provisions in Article VII GATT 1994 with certain limitations based on data available in the Customs Region.

(2) Determination of customs value based on Method VI shall be conducted by repeating the principles and provisions in Methods I through V that are determined flexibly based on data available in the Customs Region.

(3) Further explanation on Method VI is described in Attachment VII to this Decision.

Paragraph 2
Provision on Prohibitions in Implementation of Method VI

Article 19

Application of customs value using Method VI is not allowed based on:


First Part
Investigation of Goods Import Notice

Article 20

(1) In order to determine customs value, the Customs and Excise Official in the Customs and Excise Service Office conducts investigation on the customs value notice as specified in the PIB documents and all documents attached thereto.

(2) Investigation as contemplated in paragraph (1) includes:

Article 21

Investigation as meant in Article 20 is conducted to PIBs both that are obliged to be examined physically and not.

Article 22

(1) If the investigation as meant in Article 20 shows that:

(2) If the results of investigation as meant in Article 20 show that:

the Customs and Excise Official conducts fairness test of customs value notification that is specified in PIB.

Second Part
Fairness Test of Customs Value Notification

Article 23

(1) The fairness test as meant in Article 22 paragraph (2) shall be conducted by means of comparing the customs value notified in the PIB with the price of identical goods or similar goods that is listed in the Price Database I.

(2) In the event results of fairness test as contemplated in paragraph (1) show the customs value notified is lower not exceeding 20% than, equal to, or larger than the price of identical goods or similar goods in the Price Database I, the customs value notified in PIB is accepted.

(3) In the event the fairness test of customs value notification shows customs value notified is lower exceeding 20% than the price of identical goods or similar goods in the Price Database I, the Customs and Excise Official shall make Customs Value Information (INP) as a notification to the buyer:

Third Part
Customs Value Information (INP) and Customs Value Declaration (DNP)

Article 24

(1) INP as meant in Article 23 paragraph (3) shall be sent to the buyer or his/her proxy at the latest on the next working day after the results of fairness test of customs value notification as meant in Article 23 that show that customs value notified lower exceeding 20% than the price of identical goods or similar goods.

(2) Delivery of INP to the buyer or his/her proxy shall be conducted through electronic media, courier or express mail.

(3) DNP as contemplated in paragraph (1) together with attachment thereto in the form of documents relating to transaction/importation must be delivered by the buyer or his/her proxy to the Customs and Excise Official whose names are listed in the INP at the latest within 7 (seven) working days as of the INP sending date.

(4) In case the DNP is not delivered within the period as contemplated in paragraph (3), the customs value shall be determined not based on the transaction value of the relevant imported goods.

(5) Delivery of DNP is not required for imported goods that has no sale-purchase transaction value.

(6) Form of INP and procedures of completing DNP is provided for in Attachment VIII and IX to this Decision.

Fourth Part
Custom Value Investigation and Determination Sheet

Article 25

(1) Results of investigation and determination of customs value that is conducted by the Customs and Excise Official as meant in Article 20, fairness test of customs value notification as meant in Article 23 and DNP investigation are obliged to be described in the Customs Value Investigation and Determination Sheet (BCF 2.7) as provided for in Attachment XII to this Decision.

(2) Custom Value Investigation and Determination Sheet(BCF 2.7) as contemplated in paragraph (1), after being completed in accordance with the investigation results, shall be attached to the relevant PIB and constitute a document of customs value stipulation that is conducted by the Customs and Excise Official in the Customs and Excise Service Office.

Fifth Part
Obligations of Buyer

Article 26

(1) In order to determine customs value accurately and correctly, complete, correct and accurate facts and/or data of transaction and/or importation are required. For that purpose, then, if asked so by the Customs and Excise Official, the buyer or his/her proxy is obliged to:

(2) In case the importer is not buyer, information, documents, declarations, verbal and written explanation as contemplated in paragraph (1) shall originate from the buyer.

(3) If buyer or his/her proxy fails to meet requests brought forward by the Customs and Excise Official as contemplated in paragraph (1), then the Customs and Excise Official may use other relevant data that are available in order to determine the customs value.

Sixth Part
Obligations of Customs and Excise Official

Article 27

Upon written request of the buyer or his/her proxy, the Customs and Excise Official who determines customs value is obliged to give explanation in writing concerning how the determination of customs value has been conducted on the relevant imported goods.

Seventh Part
Confidentiality of Data

Article 28

All information/data that are confidential in nature must be treated confidentially by the Customs and Excise Official and not allowed to be disclosed without a prior consent o`f the informer, unless required for litigation process.


First Part
Customs Value Investigation By Verification Unit

Article 29

Verification Unit conducts customs value investigation on the PIB that is stipulated based on Methods I through VI.

Second Part
Investigation of Account Related With Customs Value By the Audit Unit

Article 30

(1) Audit Unit conducts audit to the importer and/or the buyer whose customs value PIB is determined based on Method I by observing provisions as meant in Article 7.

(2) To any PIB in which its transaction value is found any addition elements in the form of royalty, proceeds and reduction element in the form of discount shall be the priority of the audit.


First Part
Types and Functions

Article 31

(1) Price Database consist of Price Database I and Price Database II

(2) Function of the Price Database I is as facility (parameter) in customs value notification fairness test activity.

(3) Functions of the Price Database II are:

Second Part
Compilation and Update

Article 32

(1) Price Database I is prepared and updated by the Head Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

(2) Data sources for preparation and update of the Price Database I are PIB whose customs value has been accepted and stipulated based on Methods I through VI, catalogues, brochures and other price information originating domestically and abroad.

(3) Price Database II is prepared and updated by the Customs and Excise Service Office, the implementation of which is conducted by the Customs Section Head or Official who is appointed by the Service Office Head.

(4) Data sources for preparation and update of the Price Database II are PIB whose customs value has been accepted and stipulated based on transaction value of the relevant imported goods (Method I), Deduction Method (Method IV) and Computation Method (Method V).

(5) Further provisions on the preparation/updating processes and usage of the Price Database shall be provided for in Attachment XIII to this Decision.


Article 33

(1) For uniformity of implementation of customs value determination, it is published a book containing compilation of decisions of the Director General of Customs and Excise on matters related to customs value.

(2) The book as contemplated in paragraph (1) shall be updated periodically every time there is a change in and issuance of decisions of the Director General of Customs and Excise on customs value.

Article 34

With enactment of this Decision, Decision of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. KEP-14/BC/1997 dated 21 February 1997 on Forms and Procedures of Completing Customs Value Declaration (DNP); Attachment XIV to Decision of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. KEP-15/BC/1999 dated 22 March 1999 on General Guidance for Implementation of Customs Administration in the Field of Import; Circular of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. SE-11/BC/1997 dated 24 February 1997 On: Implementing Manual of Customs Value Determination of Imported Goods; and Circular of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. SE-23/BC/1999 dated 1 September 1997 On: Implementing Manual of Customs Value Determination of Imported Goods Based on Transaction Value (Method I), Deduction Method (Method IV), and Customs Value Determination of Imported Goods Based on Method VI Using Deduction Method That is Applied Flexibly are declared as null and void.

Article 35

This Decision shall come to effect as of 1 January 2000.

Stipulated in: Jakarta
On: 31 December 1999
The Director General
Dr. Permana Agung D., Msc.
NIP 060044475

NO. KEP-81/BC/1999